How to make Ram-Don (Jjapaguri) – from movie Parasite!


Еда с Алексеем Зиминым

ышная максима Жана Антельма Брийя-Саварена «Рождение нового блюда приносит человечеству больше пользы, чем открытие новой звезды» пусть и смахивает на репертуар Тони Роббинса двухсотлетней давности, однако в целом недалека от истины. Как и большинство трюизмов и общих мест. По крайней мере, с точки зрения больших экономически данных.

50 лет назад тайваньский китаец У Байфу, натурализовавшийся в Японии под именем Момофуку Андо (Андо — фамилия его жены, Момофуку — перевод слова «байфу» на японский), выпустил в продажу «чашку рамена». Пластиковую емкость с лапшой быстрого приготовления и двумя пакетиками приправ — сухими овощами и смесью специй с растительным маслом). Небольшой шаг для человека, колоссальный для всего человечества.

Сегодня в мире каждый год продается 106 миллиардов порций лапши Момофуку, только в России рынок этого продукта занимает объем примерно в два миллиарда долларов, в Китае — 35 миллиардов долларов.

Технологию Момофуку придумал еще в 1958-м. Это было выполнение социального заказа. Пищевая промышленность послевоенной Японии не справлялась с пустотой магазинных полок, и деятелей аграрного сектора призвали помочь стране.

Выпечка:  Рецепт ребрышек с соусом барбекю в духовке и 32 вкуснейших домашних рецепта

How to make Ram-Don (Jjapaguri) – from movie Parasite!

How to make Ram-Don (Jjapaguri) – from movie Parasite!

Hello everybody! Jjapaguri time!

I didn’t know anything about these super-popular Korean noodles before I watched the movie Parasite recently. In the movie the woman was ordered to make these noodles in 7 minutes. She said: “What is jjapaguri?” and actually that’s exactly what I said!

I searched the internet and asked my children, everyone knew about these noodles except me. They are simple to make, the only ingredients are 2 packages of instant noodles! As you know, I’m not a big fan of instant noodles, only in emergency situations will I have spicy Shin ramyeon, but after watching the movie I was interested in trying them. Plus, some of my readers and viewers asked me: “Maangchi, can you make jjapaguri from the movie?”

Usual jjapaguri is easy to make, but in the movie they make an upgraded version with top-quality Korean hanwoo beef. This is impossible to buy in America, the closest equivalent is top quality ribeye. I made mine even more rich and delicious by adding butter.

I hope you guys who were interested in learning the recipe enjoy this video. It should serve 2 people, but if you are super-hungry it serves 1!


  • 8 ounces rib eye steak or sirloin, cut into ½ inch cubes
  • a pinch of kosher salt
  • a pinch of ground black pepper
  • 1 teaspoon vegetable oil
  • 1 tablespoon unsalted butter


  • If you use beef steak, combine the beef, kosher salt, pepper, and the vegetable oil in a small pan and mix it well with a wooden spoon.
  • Cook over high heat for 2 to 3 minutes, stirring with a wooden spoon until the beef turns light brown. Add the butter, stir and mix well and cook another minute. Remove from the heat.
  • Open both packages and take out the noodles and all the packets from both.Jjapagetti (labelled “Chapagetti” on the package in English) has noodles with 3 packets: one for black bean paste seasoning powder, one for seasoning oil, and one for vegetable flakes.Neoguri (너구리) has thicker noodles with 2 packets: one for spicy seasoning powder and one for vegetable flakes.
  • Jjapagetti (labelled “Chapagetti” on the package in English) has noodles with 3 packets: one for black bean paste seasoning powder, one for seasoning oil, and one for vegetable flakes.Neoguri (너구리) has thicker noodles with 2 packets: one for spicy seasoning powder and one for vegetable flakes.
  • Jjapagetti (labelled “Chapagetti” on the package in English) has noodles with 3 packets: one for black bean paste seasoning powder, one for seasoning oil, and one for vegetable flakes.
  • Neoguri (너구리) has thicker noodles with 2 packets: one for spicy seasoning powder and one for vegetable flakes.
  • Bring 3 cups of water to a boil in a medium-sized pot. Add both kinds of noodles and both packets of vegetable flakes.
  • Cook for 2 to 3 minutes, stirring and turning with tongs or long chopsticks to separate the noodles and cook them evenly.
  • Strain the noodles over a medium-sized bowl, and then put the noodles and the cooked flakes back into the pot.
  • Measure 1 cup of the strained hot noodle water and put it back into the pot. Add black bean paste seasoning powder, and ½ of the spicy seasoning powder from the Neoguri package, and the beef (if used). Stir and mix for 1 to 2 minutes until everything is well incorporated.
  • Remove from the heat, add the seasoning oil and stir it in.
  • Transfer the noodles to a large plate and serve right away. You can serve with sliced yellow pickled radish (danmuji) or kimchi.

Ram-Don (aka Jjapaguri) is made by cooking Jjapagetti and Neoguri noodles together in one pot. It’s yummy chewy noodles in a Jjajang sauce that has a hint of spicy udon flavor. This dish appears in the movie Parasite and if you love Jjajangmyeon then you will love this combination.

How to make Ram-Don (Jjapaguri) – from movie Parasite!

Ram-don noodles with steak (from movie Parasite)

Jjapaguri or Ram-Don is not something that grew up with. I heard about it a few years ago and basically it’s a genius combination of Jjajangmyeon (Chapagetti 짜빠게티) and Spicy Udon (Neoguri 너구리) with no broth but still all the yummy spiciness of the udon broth.

Personally, I cannot eat much of these instant noodles due to my gluten sensitivity but Chapagetti was one of my favorite instant noodles as a kid and is still my daughter’s favorite to this day. I always have to make sure I have a few when she comes home to visit.

Now, for some reason, this dish was translated as Ram-Don in the subtitle. I guess for Ramen + Udon?? But in Korean, it has always been called as Jjapaguri = Jjapa(getti) + (Neo)Guri.. and so now you know.

Koreans eat the most Ramyeon 라면 (instant noodles) in the world!

Did you know that Koreans eat the most Ramyeon per person, per year? According to data produced in 2015, Koreans eat about 75 ramyeon per person per year whereas Indonesians eat about 50, then #3 is Japan with 43 and #4 is China with 36 per person per year.

Ramyeon (Ramen) wasn’t always a poor man’s food

When Samyang Ramyeon was first introduced in the 60’s, ramyeon cost about 10 cents (which is about 2 dollars at today’s rate) while an everyday Korean meal like Kimchi Jjigae Baekban was 30 cents and Jjajangmyeon was 20 cents at the Chinese restaurants. So, back then, it was actually almost a treat for poor people.

Now, a half a century later, the cost of most ramyeon in Korea is still under 1000 won which is less than a dollar, whereas the average cost of Jjajangmyeon at restaurants is now about 5000 won (according to Korean government study). Which makes ramyeon a very cheap meal.  Thus, in recent years, esp. after the 70’s when these noodles started to get mass-produced, many poor students and workers lived on these instant noodles, eating them almost every day.

Ram-Don and Hanwoo Korean Beef in movie Parasite

A cheap Jjapaguri (Ram-Don) dish topped with expensive Korean beef (hanwoo 한우) is a very interesting take by Director Bong. This dish symbolizes the rich Park family trying to glamorize a cheap dish – since just a plain Jjapaguri is not good enough for her son.

Now, is this realistic? Yes, definitely, to some extent. Koreans (especially the ultra-rich) love to put glamor in everything. BTW, honestly, the addition of the steak really does not work all that great in my opinion..but my addition of green onions makes it much better!

Anyway, note that although the subtitle only mentioned adding Sirloin on top, in Korean, the maid is instructed to add Korean Top Sirloin Beef cut (Hanwoo Chaekkeutssal 한우 채끝살) to the noodles. You may not think much if you just think – steak.. but in Korea, the price difference between Hanwoo (Beef from cow raised in Korea) and imported US or Australia beef is pretty huge.

Korean beef is usually about more than twice as expensive as imported beef. According to the Korean Agricultural dept’s study (2013-2017), a Hanwoo Short Ribs cost ₩4791 won per 100g whereas US frozen ribs cost ₩2294 which is less than 1/2 the cost. So naturally, Korean Hanwoo beef is eaten only on very special occasions for most people in Korea unless you are crazy rich like the Parks in Parasite and can easily throw the meat into any dish.

So, to stay in line with the ‘ridiculousness’ of this dish,😜 I decided to use the most expensive 🤑plate I have which is this beautiful Hungarian hand-painted dish by Herend (inherited from my mother-in-law) along with our silver chopsticks. My mother-in-law usually lives a very frugal life but she likes to buy the BEST when she travels. And so now, I’m the lucky beneficiary of these beautiful dishes she bought on her trip to Hungary many many years ago. Thank you, mom! 💕

To serve this very cheap Ram-Don in this very very expensive plate.. it’s pretty but kind of ridiculous right?? LOL.. 🤩😍

How to make Ram-Don (Jjapaguri) – from movie Parasite!

Ram-don noodles (jjapaguri) steak

Servings: 2                     Time: 5 min                  Difficulty: VERY EASY!!

  • Boil 5 cups of water.
  • Slice green onions thinly. Set aside.
    steak cubes marinated
  • Cut steak into small cubes. Season lightly with some mirin, sesame oil, sea salt and black pepper or just salt and pepper.
  • Heat a non-stick frying pan and cook steak cubes for few minutes until it’s cooked to your desired doneness. Set aside.
    Instant Noodle packets
  • Open noodle packages and dry flakes and soup packets.
  • When water boils, add both noodles to pot and boil for 2 min.
  • Open dry flakes packet from BOTH packages and add to pot. Add all of Chapagetti seasoning packet and 1/2 of Neoguri seasoning packet (add more if you like it more spicy and salty).
  • Keep mixing until noodles are all well coated.
    jjapaguri ram-don cooking in pot
  • Simmer noodles for another 2-3 min until most of the liquid is gone and noodles are well coated in sauce.
  • Add cooked steak cubes and also the oil from Chapagetti. Stir. Immediately transfer to a dish.
  • Plate noodles and top with sliced green onions. Serve with some Danmuji (pickled yellow radish).Well, I hope you enjoy this easy quick and delicious dish! With or without the steak.😝

    Ram-don (jjapaguri) noodles
    Jjapaguri noodles close-up

☆ Did you make this recipe? I hope you can give me a 5 star rating below!

  • Boil 5 cups of water.
  • Slice green onions thinly. Set aside.
  • Cut steak into small cubes. Season lightly with some mirin, sesame oil, sea salt and black pepper.
  • Heat a non-stick frying pan and cook steak cubes for few minutes until it’s cooked to your desired doneness. Set aside.
  • Open noodle packages and dry flakes and soup packets.
  • When water boils, add both noodles to pot and boil for 2 min.
  • Open dry flakes packet from BOTH packages and add to pot. Add all of Chapagetti seasoning packet and 1/2 of Neoguri seasoning packet (add more if you like it more spicy and salty). Keep mixing until noodles are all well coated in sauce.
  • Simmer noodles for another 2-3 min until most of the liquid is gone and noodles are well coated in sauce.
  • Right before turning off the heat, add the cooked steak cubes and also the oil from Chapagetti. Stir. Immediately transfer to a dish.
  • Plate noodles with the steak cubes and top with sliced green onions. Serve with some Danmuji (pickled yellow radish).
  • Jjapaguri is best eaten right away. Do not leave it too long, noodles will soak up the sauce and become unpleasant to eat.
  • adding the steak is optional — I mainly added it because of how it was done in the movie. It’s totally fine without the steak.
  • And if you live in Korea, buy Hanwoo Chaekkeussal 채끝살 for the steak. Outside of Korea, buy Wagyu beef if you’d like but really not necessary.. 😉
  • don’t overcook the noodles
  • right amount of water is important — leave enough water to a level just below the noodles and then continue to simmer until you just have the think sauce left.
  • serve with Danmuji and Kimchi

instant noodles, ramen, ramyeon

Посмотреть видео про ramdon

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Have you ever seen a movie and immediately craved the dishes served throughout the scenes? We certainly have! So did many people who watched the movie «Parasite,» an international feature film. In particular, the scene with chapaguri, a combination of Chapaghetti and Neoguri instant noodles, made many people’s mouths water.

What Is Ramdon?

This instant noodle dish is a recipe specifically created for the movie «Parasite.» It’s based on a Korean dish named jjapaguri, or chapaguri, which combines udon and ramen noodles. It seems that many people could not pronounce the Korean food name (jjapaguri). Hence the name ramdon or ram-don was created.

There’s one major difference between chapaguri and ramdon – the original dish does not include a topping of sirloin steak. Instead, the chewy noodles are topped with foods like sweet corn and peas.

As mentioned, ramdon is made by combining Chapaghetti and Neoguri noodles. Chapaghetti instant ramen noodles come with a black bean sauce and are served more like a stir-fry (sans broth) than a soup. Neoguri instant noodle soup comes with a spicy broth mix and dried kombu (kelp) packet.

What Does Ramdon Taste Like?

Ramdon has a complex flavor that will leave you wanting more after the first bite. The black bean sauce provides a savory flavor with a tinge of sweetness. Then, the Neoguri noodles sweep in with a fishy, salty, spicy taste. The beef slices seem like an odd choice for this dish. However, the richness of the steak helps to round out the flavors.

What Is a Simple Ramdon Recipe?

Luckily, ramdon is pretty quick to make at home! Here’s an easy instant noodle version that only requires a few ingredients.

How to make Ram-Don (Jjapaguri) – from movie Parasite!

How to make Ram-Don (Jjapaguri) – from movie Parasite!

How to make Ram-Don (Jjapaguri) – from movie Parasite!

How to make Ram-Don (Jjapaguri) – from movie Parasite!

Start by choosing a ramen noodle option for your ramdon recipe like Nongshim Chapagetti Noodle or Nongshim Chapagetti Noodle (4-pack). Shin ramen will also work – try using Nongshim Shin Ramyun Spicy Ramen. Then, it’s time to select a packet of udon noodles; we like using Nongshim Neoguri Spicy Seafood Udon.

Grab one packet of each type of noodle and the dried vegetable mix that comes with the packets. Use four cups of water for this step. Cook until the noodles are soft. Strain except for about six tablespoons of water. Then, mix the ramen sauce, Chapagetti oil seasoning packet, and 1/3-1/2 of the Neoguri spicy seasoning powder into the noodles. Add thin slices of any beef cut. Combine and serve.

What Could You Add to A Chapaguri Ramen Package To Spice It Up?

You’ll likely be adding some beef slices to the ramdon dish to recreate the «Parasite» dish more closely. However, you don’t have to stop there! You can easily create new ramen recipes with a few additional ingredients. Here are some ways that you can spice up your bowl of ramen without overspending on items like Korean Hanwoo beef.

How to make Ram-Don (Jjapaguri) – from movie Parasite!

Tom’s Farm Korean Style Almonds

Almonds are always a great choice, regardless of the dish. Adding a handful of Tom’s Farm Korean Style Almonds: Buldak Spicy Chicken to your ramdon increases the heat level and adds a delightful crunch. These almonds have a buldak flavor, aka a fire chicken flavor, which is another traditional dish in Korea.

How to make Ram-Don (Jjapaguri) – from movie Parasite!

Wang Tinned Napa Cabbage Kimchi

Kimchi is a traditional topping for many Korean dishes. By adding a scoop of Wang Tinned Napa Cabbage Kimchi, you create an even spicier (and tangier) recipe. Add as much or as little as you’d like.

How to make Ram-Don (Jjapaguri) – from movie Parasite!

Jongga Ssamjang Spicy Dipping Sauce

While the Jongga Ssamjang Spicy Dipping Sauce is not technically a sauce that you use as a garnish, don’t let that stop you from getting creative with its uses! Try a small dollop of this dipping sauce on your ramdon to boost its fiery flavor.

When Was It Prepared in Parasite, And Did It Grow in Popularity Since Then?

If you watched “Parasite,” you’ll probably remember the scene when ramdon was served. But for some extra context, it occurred after Da Song had his birthday camping excursion cut short.

Mrs. Park is on the phone with Mrs. Kim, and she announces that it’s necessary for a hot bowl of ram-don to be awaiting her son upon their arrival home. Mrs. Kim doesn’t quite know what ram don is and throws together ramen, udon, and beef chunks in her flustered state.

In short, this film did increase the number of people who eat ramdon and chapaguri. Instant noodles and chapaguri were already very popular in Korea because of Youtube mukbang videos where large amounts of food are eaten. After the movie came out, people worldwide began recreating the dish.

Head to Bokksu Market to recreate more recipes from your favorite movies! With a long list of Asian grocery items available, including Korean grocery store items, Japanese grocery items, and Chinese grocery items, you’ll find plenty of options to choose from. Order groceries online from this Asian grocery store for a more convenient grocery haul.

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